Devlog 3

These past few weeks have been a little rushed for me. While I'm satisfied with where our game is right now, I've been trying to balance out this group work with my other assignments and personal life, which has made things feel very rushed. My main problem is underestimating the amount of time it takes for me to finish different assignments. It causes my plans to go awry a lot of the time, though I've managed to push through it 'til now.

I've had to learn Live2D integration into Unity in the past few weeks, which has been somewhat of a struggle. While it's very fun and gratifying getting it to work, learning a new system also means I have to experience new bugs too. Some of them have been frustrating to work with, especially when I'm combining it with the Animator in Unity and Github. I'm not very experienced in using the Animator, so that has also been an experience of itself. On the other hand, Github interacted with Live2D integration in an unexpected way that caused a little stress for a few hours! I'm satisfied with the final product, but it was nerve wrecking playtesting it for the first time. While I believed the system should work from my tests, I also knew that experimenting with it in editor was completely different from it being used in action. I worried about things breaking once real players got their hands on it, but things worked out (aside from the other big bugs...).

Our game is just looking at polish now and we're looking at cutting things that are unnecessary for our final game. I hope our game will be nicely polished up in the next few weeks we have left.

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