Dev Log #2 Production

Our team is currently on track with our build. When creating the outline for our workload and schedules last year, I was concerned about being behind in work and ending up having to compromise/cut certain features. However, we've been very steadily progressing and I have my team to thank for that. After adjusting our schedule and getting everyone on the same page, I feel as if our development process has been going smoother. Additionally, I've had a lot of suggestions and fixes for UX issues in our game, and my team has been very responsive and efficient in completing them, which I'm very thankful for.  There have been things in our original vision that have changed/been added because we thought it would add to the overall experience, and while I was concerned that it would result in us being behind if we worried too much about the little things or adjustments, we still managed to keep on track.  

For these few weeks, I've been working on making production notes for the team, creating the SFX, balancing the systems,  and writing and implementing some pieces of dialogue. I'm a little scattered everywhere, but my main focus is that everyone is on track and that our game meets our playtest goals. I've been constantly adjusting the SFX over the week, as they're made from scratch, and I've felt the need to adjust them based on game feel. It's likely that I'll adjust them again after this playtest. Having the sounds align with my vision is more difficult than I thought, but it's a rewarding process.

In terms of work, my load is comparably smaller and requires less tight deadlines. In lieu of this, I've picked up extra work and have been trying to assist others in their workloads.  I've also been fixing minor bugs and doing balance work, trying to assist in completing the smaller systems so our main programmer can focus on the biggest and most important parts of the game. I'm confident in our teams abilities, and if people struggle I'm more than willing to help them pick up the slack. Currently, because things are working out, I'm looking at implementing one of our stretch goals while the others work on the core parts of the game. 


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Also as the person in charge of SFX in the group, I found it a bit of a struggle to get the sound effects to fit the vision we had for the game. Previously I would try to find suitable music on some of the free sound effects websites. But due to taking a sound effects class this semester, I wanted to try and create some sound effects myself. I've never tried Foley myself. I'd like to give it a try this time, if time and conditions allow. 

Hope everything goes well with your project!