Devlog 2

My game pitch featured E-Ntertainer, a 2D platformer with a stat management system. When developing my pitch, I thought it would be best to leave most things flexible for development and change, if my group wanted to switch up parts of it. However, I wanted to properly convey a specific tone and develop a unique mechanic as the main hook for my project. Considering how the theme/design challenge we chose is an important part of why we are developing these pitches in the first place, I incorporated it through an interactive system that connects both gameplay and narrative.  For the tone and aesthetic of the game, I had a specific vision in mind for my pitch, though it is extremely flexible considering the concept of the game is simply "streaming" and a multitude of streaming communities exist online. A lot of my pitch was inspired by the concept of Vtubing and the game Needy Streamer Overload.

My pitch was going to go through the core concepts of the game, though if I needed to pad out more time for my presentation, I was glad to elaborate more and go further in detail. My design pitch document was far more detailed in how I described the hooks and systems, but I think I was able to get the core ideas across during my presentation as well. I'm glad my unique concept got properly across.


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Your game pitch was very well thought out and I like that you still developed some of the games mechanics so the team gets a proper idea of what you're trying to convey. The stylistic choices for the game also sound very visually appealing! I'm very excited to see what your vtuber looks like.