Sem 2 Dev Log 1

For preproduction, our group has been focusing on getting everything together on the same page. While we had a good grasp about the general ideas of our games, we've been preparing ourselves to focus on specific work and get sprint-ready. There were parts of our design I hadn't properly clarified or documented as the lead Game Designer, so this was a good time to get things solid. For pre-production on my part, I've been making exact lists of what work needs to be done and what exactly it entails. I had to ask everyone questions about their workload, current process, and design ideas for their sections to make sure everyone had an idea of what they were currently doing. We fixed our schedule to accommodate the dates given to us, and we have been updating our Trello to be more up to date and detailed to have a better grasp of what needs more work, what is in progress, etc. etc. Currently, I'm in the midst of updating our backlog.

As our game can be considered rather ambitious, we had to have a proper discussion about what our game was going to entail and what it wasn't. We delegated some of our original ideas to stretch goals as while it would be excellent polish, our goal right now is to get a solid base game that properly conveyed the original concepts and systems. I often struggle with documentation, but it's very important to make sure everyone has a grasp of what they're doing and what the expectation is. 

I need to continue to create lists to get the team up to date about the design of our game, but I've been studying platformer SFX and my next steps are to work on the starting audio for our game. Hopefully, once I finish the documentation, everything will be steady sailing in general! I'm excited to actually get to do hands-on work for the game and can't wait to see everyone else's work too.


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Your thorough preproduction efforts, especially in clarifying design and updating task lists, set a positive tone for our upcoming sprints. Delegating ambitious ideas to stretch goals reflects a pragmatic approach, and I'm eager to see your character art come to life as we move into the hands-on phase!