Devlog 4

What we've worked on over the semester has helped prepare me to get into a mindset of work needed to complete our final project and also get better grasp on the overall design of our game. As I've moved along in the process, I've adjusted my expectations of the final product accordingly and understand what must be done for our product to succeed. While we can't 100% plan for the future, I believe that this process has helped us avoid major clauses in our project and will make us adaptable in the case we encounter issues. As I'm someone who works best under a plan, this was very helpful for me.

Being able to turn my vague proposal into actual solid content and documentation will likely help a lot when we actually work on the game. I know the specifics of what I need to get done (like what specific audio and narrative parts will be completed at what times), which will help me schedule when the semester roles around. Knowing what's in my future allows me to work more efficiently.

I also got to know my team members and their work ethics and style better, which will likely help when we become more hands-on during development. I'll likely be brushing up on my composition and dialogue writing skills over the break to get me better suited for my role.


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If we, as designers, document our ideas or opinions, they can often evolve into a clear and meaningful design. I'm glad to see you doing this and I wish you every success with your project next semester.

This semester was a great start into the planning process. I agree with you in that when I know what's coming up I find it much easier to do my work and plan ahead. It sounds like the group is starting to mesh more and I'm excited to see what you all come up with!

It's fantastic that your effort this semester has helped you better understand the design of your game and has adequately prepared you for your final project. Key strengths include knowing what's required for success and being flexible. It's also great that you're putting your thoughts into action by creating detailed plans, as this will facilitate effective scheduling. It will undoubtedly benefit your team's development to get to know one another better. Refreshing your knowledge during the break is a wise decision. I hope your project turns out well! 

Completely agree, this semester really helped planning for major milestones and major risks that we might encounter during development. I was also in a similar situation where it became a lot smoother to recognize the game in its entirety. And, of course, this was a great time to get to understand teammates. It’s nice to hear that you’re inspired to work over the break to sharpen your skills for your team!